Wednesday, December 01, 2004

Shechita-gate - some further thoughts

· This is an enormous issue which has the potential to rock our entire Kashrut system - and it must be addressed swiftly and effectively. Before rumors, accusations etc. get out of control, Rabbi Genack et al. must act on their offer to go down to the abattoir and clarify once and for all what actually went on at that abattoir, whether the shechita there was halachic, and whether the animals who appear to be conscious after shechita are indeed still alive and feeling, or not. Perhaps too the abattoir should suspend operations/have its operations suspended for it until these grave questions are cleared up.
· If there really is a problem with shechita in the abattoir, the OU and
all responsible MUST be honest and not attempt a cover-up, which ultimately will only result in more damage. There are already enough rabbis saying there is a problem to ensure that truth will out if there is any truth to the accusations. They must assure everyone they will act quickly to rectify the situation - and do so. This is the only way to damage-control, and the only responsible thing to do.
· This is true not only for obvious external reasons, but for internal reasons as well. People who eat Kosher are entitled to know whether they have been sold treif meat under the guise of Kosher, and to expect any systemic problems to be rectified immediately. If it turns out that there indeed is a problem with the shechita in Postville (something I emphasise again is not at all clear yet), the credibility of our mashgichim and of our entire Kashrut system will be enormously damaged. There may well be room for an enquiry at the supervising organisations as to how this state of affairs was allowed to exist. We have always been assured that the practice of shechita was done with the utmost concern for the welfare of the animals. It seems clear that whether or not the practices at Postville were "halachic," they were certainly not prudent. The entire credibility of supervision is in question - to us as Kosher consumers as well. The copepods fade into insignificance at the question of the danger to shechitah which this abbatoir - and it supervising rabbis - has exposed us. This is a food-based version of Lanner-gate for the OU.

· Again, if there are problems with the shechita in Postville, it is regretful that an organization like PETA was the one to bring them to light. On the other hand, you must ask whether they would ever have come to light without PETA - and whether you would prefer to carry on eating treif meat unknowingly.
· Even if there are no problems with the shechita in Postville, the PR
damage has been done and Jewish communities across the world are going to have to counteract renewed attacks. In the UK, for example, this comes at a particularly sensitive time. The assumption has always been that as long as fox hunting was permitted, Shechita would be allowed as well. Now that a ban is in force....
· If it emerges that there are no problems with the shechita in Postville,
the US Jewish community must be aware that, as Shawn says, the battle against Shechita has crossed the Atlantic and organize accordingly. EVERY kosher abbatoir and supervising organisation - throughout North America - must check their operations TODAY to ensure that they are above reproach.
Anyone who fails to do so must take the consequences, and bear the responsibility.
· And lastly, if you thought that tensions in Postville were high before this....