Tuesday, June 21, 2005

Where do we go from here?

Reflecting on the topics and resultant threads that have caused an explosion of comments on a circle of two or three blogs -- especially bloghead and DovBear -- Mirty has it exactly right: she highlights the reductionist-halachic tendency among contemporary orthodoxy. You can accuse some trends in Jewish life of being too 'touchy-feely'; but the opposite seems to be truer and truer of Orthodoxy (especially non-Hasidic Orthodoxy). Every vestige of emotional / spiritual feeling and spontaneity is neutralized and delegitimized by reduction to an arcane halachic argument - usually a battle of which Rabbi said what, or is reputed to have said. See the astonishing comments (some from otherwise usually constructive people) on the great hagba controversy. No female is allowed to have a religious spiritual experience or feeling; it is all a matter of (male) halachah.
SECOND to this as a frustrating read is the apparent ignorance of some contributors of the historic changes in Jewish practice.
THIRD is the graceless jeering at other Jews and their (assumed) beliefs, practices and values.

---- all very depressing.