Sunday, June 26, 2005

This is tasteless

Hopefully not literally, but definitely in concept:
It's known more for gulag than goulash, but now a cookery book aims to restore at least the culinary reputation of the American detention centre at Guantanamo Bay.
Several hundred recipes prepared for the inmates at the camp are to be published next month in The Gitmo Cookbook, including such dishes as mustard and dill-baked fish, and honey and ginger chicken breast.
The recipes - most of which use fewer than eight ingredients and were originally created to feed up to 100 people - were developed by the US Navy cooks who are in charge of the camp's kitchens....
The chance to eat the Gitmo way is being offered by a group of American conservative activists who believe that the camp's reputation for inhumane conditions and torture is exaggerated.
Yes, I'm sure that the millions who are concerned by abuses at, and the entire legal status of Guantanamo will change their minds once they discover the inmates come home every evening to dill-baked fish....

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