Menachem Butler, blogger and indefatigable publicist for the YUdaica section of the YU 'Commentator', posts some links to the latest issue. Most fascinating - and beutifully written - is the article by Mayer Schiller, one of the more interesting and individual characters on the landscape, about his long relationship with YU. On the other hand, the article by Rabbi Yosef Blau on 'Orthodoxy in the 21st Century' struck me as extremely pedestrian - as did the reported proceedings of the symposium at Yale where the speech was made.
UPDATE: Typing in 'Mayer Schiller' to (have you dicovered this new post-Google search engine yet?) gives a number of interesting links, including this biographical sketch from the Young Israel speakers bureau. The author of the article takes exactly the same line as I did in pointing out the difficulty of fitting this 'Skver peg into a round hole...'!!