Friday, November 26, 2004

In truth, mainly Miriam .....

Jenny Frazer writes on Jewish blogs in the 'Jewish Chronicle' (unfortunately accessible only to subscribers). Most of the article is about the impending demise of Protocols, but we get honourable mention:
"The Jewish blog world is closely knit. Prominent within it, the highly regarded Bloghead is written mainly by father-and-daughter team Paul and Miriam Shaviv. Paul, based in Canada, is an ex-Londoner whose career in Jewish education informs his comments. Miriam, his daughter, is the former literary editor of the Jerusalem Post, now living in London ..... "


Reb Yudel said...

Tell us more! How does it describe the incredible Steven I. / Luke Ford conspiracy?

Anonymous said...

Can you reprint the article here? Most of us cannot access it.


Anonymous said...

Most of us are too CHEAP to access it. Blimies want 5 pounds before they'll let you in the vestibule.