Thursday, August 19, 2004

Homosexuality is a religious, not moral sin, says Shmuely Boteach

Shmuley Boteach comes out in favor of civil unions for gay people -- providing they are truly gay, and not bisexual.
"I find it absurd that it is religious conservatives who are the main obstacles to gay civil unions," he writes in today's Jerusalem Post. "At all levels, society should be encouraging fidelity, commitment, and faithfulness in relationships and seek to curb the rampant culture of casual, commitment-free sex that has so reduced love and romance to fantasy and fiction."
The interesting point, however, is his contention that homosexuality is
"a religious rather than a moral sin. The Bible clearly distinguishes between sins against God (religious) versus sins against man (moral), and neatly divides the Ten Commandments into two tablets reflecting that division. Sins such as not worshiping idols and honoring the Sabbath are on the first tablet, while sins such as refraining from theft and murder are on the second. Adultery is both a religious and a moral sin because it involves breaking the holy covenant of marriage, as well as deceiving one's spouse.
"In this sense, McGreevey's having cheated on his wife is a far more serious moral sin than having cheated with a man. Homosexuality, by contrast, which involves consensual sex and no deception, is only a religious sin and not a moral one. Therefore, those who label homosexuality as "immoral" would likewise have to argue that those who don't go to church are immoral, when in fact they are simply not religious. "

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