Wednesday, August 04, 2004

Ashkenazim out, Sephardim in

Judging by the responses to this post, people seem to be much more interested in chulent than in the Ashkenazi-Sephardi dynamic in Israel. Understandably! Still, I heard an interesting observation tonight from Leah Lublin of Jerusalem Wanderings , whom I was interviewing for my upcoming article on Jewish women bloggers. Leah lives in Ma'aleh Adumim, a well-to-do suburb just outside Jerusalem, with many Anglos and according to Leah, a Sephardi majority. Leah said: "My kids are hanging out with a Sephardi crowd, a Sephardi peer group -- and they are embarrased to be Ashkenazi. They're embarrased at the food we eat and I have to keep on telling them not to be ashamed of it."
It's not surprising considering their peer group, however, in the context of the last 55+ years of Israeli history, it's certainly a turnaround.

(Incidentally, Leah gave me permission to post this on the blog.)

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