Sunday, October 30, 2005

Bad for the Jews?

Uh oh. Sitting here in the golus of London, I'm not really following President Bush's domestic troubles too closely. But then Jewish geography kicks in. According to JTA's breaking news,
Lewis Libby, a member of Temple Rodef Shalom in northern Virginia, resigned as Vice President Richard Cheney’s top adviser after he was indicted for perjury.
So far, the only things the combination 'Libby/Scooter Libby' and 'Jewish' brings up on Google are from racist sources such as David Duke, which I'm not going to link to, and it's hard to believe that the VP's COS was Jewish and there isn't one reference to that from a reliable or Jewish source online (and that Jewish organizations throughout the country weren't aggressively chasing him to speak at their events etc.). And being a member of a temple doesn't necessarily make you a Jew -- perhaps he's just married to one?
On the other hand, his real name is Irving.
On the other other hand, what are the chances of JTA actually getting a scoop or even a timely report?
On the other other other hand, his real name is Irving.
I guess we'll wait and see.