Tuesday, August 10, 2004

Thanks, daughter

Well, first I felt really flattered that my darling daughter had invited me to 'guest blog'; then I read why ("It's a slow summer and the silly season.."). OK, I got over it, and then encountered her mounting hysteria that I'd hijack her site a la Luke Ford and Protocols. Alas, my life as a middle-aged Head of School is not as, er , exotic as his.

But I do deal on daily basis with 1,400 students (G9-G12) and their parents, 175 teachers (and another 30 or more support staff), our Board, an CAN$18m budget, the local Federation and other community organisations, etc etc etc. Miriam wants me to write about 'education'. But I run a school - I'm not sure that I know anything about 'education"......... Anyway, during this week (unless my daughter, in a Freudian fit, cancels me earlier) I will open a window onto the life and times of ... well, her father! Please blog in -- if the 'hits' evaporate she'll never forgive me (and, my luck is to start the day after the hits reached an almost all-time high.) [My wife, in the background: "yes, but you haven't written about anything yet." See following .....

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