Wednesday, August 11, 2004

Scandalous accusations rock the sedate world of Biblical Archaeology

Washington DC Jewish lawyer, scholar manque and irrepressible gadfly Hershel Shanks publishes two 'must read' journals in the area of scholarship -- the 'Biblical Archaology Review' and the "Bible Review'. The BAR has been in the forefront of the debate (some might say: Has created the debate!) over the two sensational archaological finds of the last few years -- the 'James ossuary' and the 'Jehoash inscription'.
Reading the BAR (especially) over the last year or so has been like following a thriller. The latest issue contains a string of stunning accusations -- that the forger of the Jesus ossuary, an Egyptian jeweler working in Israel, confessed to his girlfriend while drunk; that 'one third' of the inscriptions in the Israel Museum are faked (including the inscription on the ivory pomegranate, regarded as the only artifact surviving from the Bet Hamikdash).

I am always struck when reading these two great magazines at the almost total absence of Orthodox Jewish scholars from the field. Why aren't we interested in archaeology???

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