Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Frum fashion watch

A former yeshivah high school student, now blogging as 'The man repeller' (I sense certain issues), has noticed that many of the skirts being sported around New York and Paris fashion weeks over the past month are distinctly frum-friendly. She is not thrilled:
When I graduated an orthodox Jewish day school in 2007, I vowed to burn any and all remnants of the wardrobe that tormented my high school years. This included some twenty long black floor length straight skirts and three pairs of Uggs... Since graduation, I've made it my business to bare my legs, thighs, even ass on occasion. But when maxi skirts started peeking on to runways and the Tuilerie Gardens last fashion week, I knew I was doomed. Doomed, I tell ya.
Well, dear, it could be worse. The fashionistas of NY and Paris could be adopting this look!

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